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Information Hub

Our Blogs

Should you consider making Spouse Contributions?

A spouse contribution involves making a contribution to a spouse’s super fund to build their retirement savings. By contributing to your spouse’s super, you can receive a tax offset and help to build your joint retirement savings. What are the benefits? You may receive a non-refundable tax offset up to $540 for contributions made on…
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Four ways to teach Children healthy Money Habits

As a parent, you try to ensure your children have the skills to make smart financial decisions. For example, you tell them about the importance of saving or the power of compounding interest. But did you know that you could be sending them negative money messages without meaning to? Here are four common ways you…
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Business Planning – Plan for Someone Else to Succeed

As a business owner, you spend your working life focused on succeeding… But who will succeed you? When it’s time for you to let go of the wheel, or if something happens and you’re forced to, who will take your place? And more importantly, how? Business succession requires a lot of careful planning and a…
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Managing the Rising Costs of Living

With the rising cost of living, here are 4 tips to help you manage 1) Cutting back on (Major) Expenses Major expenses can range from bills to home loans or car repayments. Basically, anything that takes a large part of your weekly income. With your major expenses, it is a good idea to review each,…
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Tax Return Tips

At this time of the year, we know people start to think about getting their tax returns lodged. We created this checklist which outlines some of the main income and expenses you need to let your accountant know of when lodging your return. We’ve also provided an overview of the types of tax offsets and…
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A Primer on Salary Sacrificing into Superannuation

What is Salary Sacrifice? It might sound a little dramatic, but at its core, salary sacrificing can be a tax effective way to boost your savings for retirement. What is salary sacrifice into Superannuation? Salary sacrifice is an arrangement between you and your employer where you agree to forgo part of your before tax salary…
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Our Wealth Blogs

Teaching children healthy money habits

Teaching children healthy money habits   As a parent, you try to ensure your children have the skills to make smart financial decisions. For example, you tell them about the importance of saving or the power of compounding interest. But did you know that you could be sending them negative money messages without meaning to?…
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Cashflow plus tips

Cashflow tips to keep top of mind

We all like a good cost saving tip, even if it is something we already know. It never hurts to revisit some top tips and take a look at our current situation to see if there are savings to be made. Any little savings we make throughout the year can be diverted to a bigger…
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What to consider when transferring your wealth

What to consider when transferring your wealth

We spend a lifetime generating wealth but few of us spend the time to ensure it’s passed on in the way we want it to. Having a plan in place for how and when you want your wealth to be transferred, will help all parties understand your intentions and the process. While there isn’t a…
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Why does insurance matter?

The unexpected events of the past few years have made financial protection a front of mind matter for most Australians. Now more than ever we appreciate that life does not always go the way we plan. Having a plan in place if things do take an unexpected turn can mean that our health, lifestyle and…
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couple hugging

First Home Super Saver Scheme – How does it work?

From 1 July 2022, if you’re a first home buyer you can release up to $50,000 (up from $30,000) from your voluntary super contributions to help you buy your first home. Under the scheme, voluntary concessional and non concessional contributions made on or after 1 July 2017 may be released from super to help you…
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Super piggy bank

More employees eligible for super from their employer

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) requires employer to pay a minimum level of super support for eligible employees. One criteria for an employee to be eligible is based on that employee’s monthly earnings being at least $450 per month. However, this threshold is abolished from 1 July 2022. This measure primarily assists low-income earners to have employer…
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Inflation image

Inflation – What Does it mean for Me and my Money?

Inflation is a hot topic at the moment. But what exactly is it, and how does it affect you and your money? Inflation is making news daily through wage inflation, energy inflation, food inflation, fuel inflation… and not just in Australia, but in many other countries too. In simple terms, inflation means that the prices…
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How do you know when the advice is right?

Seeking advice can turn your life around and put you on a path to a happier and more secure financial future. But where do you start? Who do you trust? How do you know you are going to get value for money? There are many questions that may pop into your head when you think…
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Better Money Habits

Developing Better Money Habits

The cost of goods and services will always be on the rise. The increasing cost of goods and services is a reality most Australians have to deal with. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that living expenses for employee households were up by 1.1% from March 2020, compared to March 2019. This may…
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